25 thoughts on “Liverpool 1-1 Manchester United – Gerrard recovery & fierce rivalry – English Premier League 2011-12”

  1. @justynh1 HAHAHAHAH!! Brilliant Man U?! 2-1 against Palace, 2-1 against Basel 😀 XD

  2. @justynh1 I say “Scum” cus i feel like it… Wtf u think? Nothing to do about youe fucking trophy’s… And brilliant? Hahaha, 2. place in CL groupe and 8! points! WOW!!! Some brilliant team!! 1-0 over Everton and Swansea, 1-1 over Newcastle. I’m no Scum or L’pool fan, then i can’t watch this? Moron… If i say who my team is, you will freak out, so i rather not.

  3. @PetterKri scum? why coz weve won every trophy going?????? aint our fault were brilliant. N if u aint a utd or liverpool fan what the hell u doing watching this vid????? ur a scouser, with a crap team….

  4. @justynh1 Awwww, you crying? 🙁 I offended your precious Scum? Hahahaha! An btw, did i ever say i’m a Liverpool?

  5. @PetterKri united are shit?????? chamions, in every cup, 2nd in the league by 5 points, be back top by xmas. liverpool – cant win a single league, aint in europe and wont finish in the top 5, whats that say about liverpool??? fucking wank.

  6. fagan was too ashamed to stay in charge and by all account keegan was an accessory to murder

  7. it might not be the biggest game, but it will be a great game. Im a man utd fans, but i think they might lose. Their defending is too inconsistent… =)

  8. Its Giggs last chance to get abuse off Liverpool fans, he won’t be around for the game at Old Trafford. He’ll be watching it in his prison cell. He’s going down for perjury.

  9. i could be a keyboard warrior un slate you scousers but all i ask for is a fukin epic game tmoz COME ON YOU DEVILS

  10. @chrishan7 if you werent retarded you would understand the shit liverpool have been through which is exactly why there not in the champions league….YET 18,5>19,3

  11. @chrishan7 I love the fact that you come on a video clearly for Liverpool fans just to try annoy people.Your probably a closet scouser anyway.

  12. @CJ8DAY BAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA Suarez is more of threat than torres ever was you clearly don’t remember this fixture last season.Raul had a good 3 months thats all

  13. @alslevie1986 No players from either side deserves the abuse gerrard and neville used to get

  14. @chrishan7 Eh remember berbatov diving and winning a penalty in the 3rd round of the F.A cup last season ?

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